Monday, February 09, 2009

Republican Rogue's Gallery: The Porkulus Turncoats

The trillion-dollar boondoggle is destined for an unmitigated failure.

President Obama is on television -- at this very moment -- blaming the financial meltdown on a bunch of banks that mysteriously made ill-advised loans to those with poor credit. Gee, I wonder who might have sued the banks on phony charges of redlining and forced them to make those bad loans against their will?

President Obama is on television claiming that only government spending, not tax cuts, can save the economy. He calls tax cuts a "discredited" approach. Funny, I wonder what triaged economic growth after Jimmy Carter's disastrous administration? Anyone?

As for the trio of so-called Republicans who supported the Generational Theft Act of 2009, there's a special place in history for the three of you.

Benedict Specter

Mata Collins

Tokyo Snowe

Here's a general email address (, the Chairman's email address (, a contact form and a script you can paste in. Call 202.863.8500 or email now.

Here's the story.

The three Republican senators who plan to support the measure are Olympia Snowe of Maine, Susan Collins of Maine and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania. Collins and Specter spoke in favor of the agreement on the Senate floor Friday night.

"The American people want us to work together. They don't want to see us dividing along partisan lines on the most serious crisis confronting our country," Collins said on the floor.

Actually, dimwit, the American people don't want you to bankrupt the country with a thousand-page pork-laden bill that rips off taxpayers and saddles our descendents with massive amounts of debt.

Email the GOP now at and Call 202.863.8500 or email now.

As for the three turncoats: America's children and grandchildren will know your names. You have enslaved them with massive amounts of debt for generations.

Benedict Specter is up for reelection in 2010. Tokyo Snow in 2012. And Mata Collins in 2014. We're elephants, turncoats. We never forget.

Linked by: Denny. Thanks!

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