Saturday, November 07, 2009

Photographic Proof that Dana Milbank Is, as Mark Levin Describes Him, "A Punk, a Liar and a Coward."

Constitutional attorney, bestselling author and hit radio show host Mark Levin certainly doesn't mince words. Alerted to Milbank's latest hit piece in The Washington Post, Levin called Milbank out as a propagandist of the first order.

The reason: out of literally tens of thousands of patriotic signs and shirts at Thursday's Capitol Hill protest, Milbank picked out a handful as supposedly representative of a crowd he described as "hateful and gruesome." An outraged Levin called Milbank a "punk, a liar and a coward" while challenging him to a debate on his show.

In the front of the protest, a sign showed President Obama in white coat, his face painted to look like the Joker. The sign, visible to the lawmakers as they looked into the cameras, carried a plea to "Stop Obamunism." A few steps farther was the guy holding a sign announcing "Obama takes his orders from the Rothchilds" [sic], accusing Obama of being part of a Jewish plot to introduce the antichrist.

But the best of Bachmann's recruits were a few rows into the crowd, holding aloft a pair of 5-by-8-foot banners proclaiming "National Socialist Healthcare, Dachau, Germany, 1945." Both banners showed close-up photographs of Holocaust victims, many of them children....

"Who knew a casual comment on TV could generate this?" Rep. Jeb Hensarling (Tex.) exulted as he stood in front of the Dachau banner.

Now, objecting to the health-care bill is one thing. But doesn't it send the wrong message for House Republicans to hold an event on the Capitol grounds full of hateful and gruesome words and images?

Here's a Nazi reference that Milbank might appreciate: I think of him as the Josef Goebbels of his age. He writes patent propaganda in service of the State. And I can prove it.

Bubba visited DC for the rally and wandered through the crowd for hours taking scores of photos. I created a montage -- click to zoom if you'd like read the dozens of visible messages -- from his collection. And I didn't spot a single "hateful" or "gruesome" message. Just highly p***ed off.

And Milbank's selective memory is appalling.

As has been copiously documented by ZombieTime and many others, the Leftist protests during the Bush administration were more than hateful and gruesome. They were just plain sick (and frequently pornographic). I created a similar montage using just a couple of Zombie's photo albums (click to zoom).

Dana Milbank, cowardly lying punk that he is, must have missed the hundreds of anti-Bush rallies and the thousands of truly despicable, pornographic and violent messages presented at those events.

Little wonder that the Washington Post's circulation is dropping faster than a hot dog into Michael Moore's gullet.

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