Thursday, January 14, 2010

Every Generation Entertains a Liar, For a Time

By Victor the Contractor

This country has gone through a lot lately, what with the toxic political atmosphere and terrorists trying to upend our way of life. Sometimes I wonder which is more of a threat, Al Qaeda and its thousands of minions queued up to strap on explosive vests or our own government, with the full weight and authority of the law on their side, trying to dismantle Democracy as quickly as possible. That a terrorist organization is desperately trying to preserve and foster a pre-Renaissance way of life is understandable, once you parse out their fear of progress and the uber-patriarchal nature of their society. What I find baffling is that the Democrat-controlled Congress and the White House are so intent on tearing down the very apparatus that enabled them to gain control of two-thirds of the Government and cement themselves in the driver's seat, so to speak.

For in doing so, and by that I mean funding groups like Acorn to stuff ballot boxes with convicts and expired persons' votes... and passing legislation that restricts free speech under the guise of 'Fairness'... the ascendant party will cause a firestorm of resistance from all manner of political bent and sink their own career ships, as it were. And it's happening already, due in part to the facetious nature of their aims. No one with a mind for politics really believes in a world where people share unconditionally or where a 'Politburo' will mete out justice on an even basis and a 'Central Committee' will order up the exact amount of bicycle chains to keep Johnny pedaling away until dinnertime. The advocates of the new social paradigm really want to have control all to themselves and are using the dim-witted Liberal pacifist 'perfect worlders' as useful idiots in their quest for national domination.

I'd love to believe that the Government can legislate equality, 'a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage' and 'the right to adequate health care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health', as taken from Herbert Hoover in a 1928 campaign speech and L.B.J.'s Second Bill of Rights. But I know something the liberals in this country won't readily admit but betray by their very avaricious political practices: people are greedy. Self-interested is a more benign phrase, but you get the point. Most people think first of themselves and their families. If a bit is left over, they will give to charities and maybe volunteer at a soup kitchen during the holidays. But by and large, they are adamantly opposed to a wholesale redistribution of wealth on the basis of giving some sort of payback to the unlucky, uneducated or worse, the lazy. And it galls them even more to hear their Government say that hard work gives the successful an unfair advantage. Only a fool or other 'morally challenged' person would believe in legislating fairness or rewarding sloth.

Enter the 'Equality God', who speaks of all enfranchised citizens as being of one mind and resisters as unpatriotic. President Obama is like the Judas goat who leads the unsuspecting sheep down the ramp to slaughter while wearing the mask of a being at peace with himself. Every generation needs a liar: a lost soul who will lead us down the wrong path. This is a good thing in an ironic way. President Obama is reminding us all that freedom requires struggle against those who would enslave us. Whether by skilled tongue or by deceitful wit, the man shows mighty oratory skills that belie a poverty of wisdom. He knows where this leads. The programs that have been enacted and are on the way all culminate in a totalitarian regime that would make Che Guevara proud and compel a nod from Josef Stalin.

Such a man is refreshing for the soul, ironically. President Obama is actually not as likable as President Clinton was, as we are slowly finding out. Although many decried Clinton as a tax-and-spend Democrat while he was in office, he also was seen as a randy free spirit and forgiven for his sexual proclivities by many. His personality seemed open and his anger and predatory nature hidden from public view. It wasn't until he he told the world, "It depends on what the meaning of is, is," that most came to believe him a sociopathic liar who wore an affable mask well.

President Obama was proclaimed a savior to the lower classes and was the great 'equalizer'. He was 'going to give the country back' to the working class by taking it from the rich old Republicans. "If you make less that $250,000, your taxes will not go up," he said, easing the swing voters' fears about him being a tax-and-spend liberal from the old Democrat mold. It's as if many Americans wanted to believe that Obama could avert a bad recession and maybe help out the poorer among us that we were willing to deny the obvious: that he was an un-seasoned legislator who preached Communism and revenge politics as a college professor.

Well, we can see who President Obama really is now. To me, he's like a black John Kerry -- he speaks well but is a bit disconnected in his policies. But he's also like Jimmy Carter, ready to badmouth our economy, way of life and make us generally feel bad about being Americans. The only real good news is that as he reveals his true intentions and the Congress trumpets his Marxist agenda we have been awakened to the threat he embodies. No longer are the Democrats even pretending to be civil: they are obnoxious and haughty on camera now. When I saw Nancy Pelosi explain away the President's campaign pledge to cover Health Care negotiations on C-SPAN as, "he made a lot of promises on the campaign trail," and chuckled about it, I almost had a stroke. Yes, the Democrats have overreached and are transparently arrogant about their ascendancy. And that is a recipe for electoral disaster.

When you forget who sent you to Washington you are subject to recall in very short order. And plenty of voters are so angry now that I can predict a change in leadership in both houses in November of 2010. Its a no-brainer. But there is more to this than politics as usual. The Democrats are setting up a form of government under the guise of 'health care reform' that may be well nigh impossible to undo when it becomes law. And they know this. This seems to be a suicide mission for the Democrats. But don't feel so bad for them: They'll have uber-lucrative lobbyist jobs in the medical industry. At least Harry Reid and Christopher Dodd will. President Obama will be a highly paid speaker at the universities where excellence is required of their students but dismissed as greed in the marketplace. Want a lesson in hypocrisy? Go to college and listen to a professor condemn capitalism while preparing you to excel in it. But I digress.

As the days go by this January and the Congress trades our financial future for votes on the health care bill I can't help but note the naked aggression evident in the process. As more Democrats come forward and explain why health care is a Constitutional right and that the successful must support everybody else I watch the zeitgeist of the country swing right. What is the guy making $45,000 a year supposed to do, make do with less take-home as an illegal gets in-state tuition on the collective workers' tab? And all the while President Obama speaks of fairness and equality. Every generation gets a liar who tries to subvert their way of life to support the drooling masses. When I was a child I watched as President Carter, who was an evangelist Christian (oddly enough), despair about the country's problems and offer few solutions. The damage he did took years to undo.

Luckily, we got over that 'malaise' quickly enough with President Reagan. Who elso could be a better example of what a President should represent? Ronald Reagan was a leader who, while being humble, proclaimed the greatness of our country and extolled the virtues of freedom. President Obama seems a pale forgery of a leader: He mouths a calculated agenda with hollow and soul-less verbiage. His lack of emotion reminds me of the heartless meanderings of John Kerry on the campaign trail. Who advises these clowns to sound like a doctor telling his patient of cancer and attaching blame in the same breath with reptilian empathy?

How can a man who sounds so scholarly be so morally empty? As a young man in college I thought the professors had a higher moral standard; something to admire and mirror. Soon enough I learned which professor threw the best parties. It wasn't until later -- that I understood that high-mindedness is not the same as compassion -- when I sobered up. President Obama is a true believer, and that makes him all the more dangerous. He believes in falling on his sword to remake the world in his image; and it is a Marxian image. Obama is an angry man, with an angry wife. And though they have achieved much (and who can begrudge a President for being called successful?), they are mentally beck in the ghetto. Although I still have trouble connecting their Ivy League educations with their populist rhetoric. They are adamantly opposed to success by hard work even as they are a shining example of it. I find it ironic that so many liberals work so hard and accomplish great things only to condemn the system that allowed them to prosper when they finally have attained their idea of success.

President Obama is a glaring reminder of why we must be vigilant in who we vote for and confirmation of that old maxim that there is no such thing as a free lunch. All of those swing voters who truly believed that we could soak the rich to support the rest are now finding out that they are the ones who are considered rich by multi-millionaire Congressmen who set tax policy. Making six figures? You are the target to nourish 'Mother Congress' as she provides for the poor. Never mind that about fifty per-cent of the labor force pay no federal taxes to begin with. But they do qualify for a tax credit (built-in welfare, to me). And if we get the abysmal health care that Massachussets rations to its citizens, we are all in big trouble. If you are over fifty you are completely sunk because you'll have to pay for the fifteen year old's abortion but your heart surgery will be out of the question.

A president who misrepresents his intention, agenda and policy platform is like a dubious gift to a truth-starved electorate. He is easy to swallow but, oh, the indigestion he causes! And as we choke on the hubris of this over-reaching Congress and Marxist President I take hope in the violent convulsion that is to come. The public at large will reject this sociopathic, free-spending government as it becomes more evident that we are in for a double-dip recession and a zero job recovery. And with inflation knocking at our door after thirty years of benign fluctuations, voters will be inclined to throw out the dominant party. This will not end well for the Democrats.

And we have President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to thank for showing the American people what will inexorably happen when you let greed and laziness supplant responsibility and a hard work ethic when voting for representation. We have a hard time coming, due partly to the spendthrift nature of the party in power, and that alone is enough to ensure a generation of Republican ascendancy in both houses and a majority of President-Elects. For when the true impact of the massive borrowing and confiscatory tax policy comes to fruition we will have a major recession on our hands and only one party to blame. When one party controls everything, there is only one party to blame.

After November we get to see if a chastened Republican majority can govern with restraint and probity, or whether they will cloy to the press and the liberal establishment for approval. I'll bet it will be a mixture of the two. But we will thank President Obama for reminding us what happens when we buy the lie that there is a free lunch. Or that anybody has a constitutional right to be lazy. I wonder what kind of a President Sarah Palin will be, or if she'd even stoop to the job at this point. Its doubtless that the next President, whomever, can not be much more than a caretaker of the national debt and will have no greater ambition than avoiding the national press until some of this crippling debt is paid down... and that may take a very long while indeed.

Victor The Contractor


10ksnooker said...

Protect and defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic ... Didn't some of these traitors take an oath?

DO they think no one noticed?

my vote is domestic ... As the Germans found out, they are the worst kind.

Jim - PRS said...

Well said, that.