Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Deeming Themselves Defeated

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Did Democrats Deem Themselves Defeated?: Hewitt
Obama AZ border claims false, say three … Democrats?: Hot Air
Chicago insider warns Angle campaign on Reid: AT


Illinois: America’s new fiscal basket case: Malkin
The Burning Question: NiceDeb
President's Economic Adviser: 'Be Patient': AT

Stimulus funds used to bus Mexicans in for free education: RWN
US Has 6 Years Before Debt Surpasses Defense Costs: Insider
Democrats must explain themselves (without blame-shifting): RWN

Climate & Energy

Cleanup Report Documents Deception, Incompetence: Malkin
Big Oil and the Global Warming Skeptics: AT
US climate scientists receive hate mail barrage: Guardian


News Flash: Progressive Hates 4th, Also America: Moonbattery
Obama, Designated Hero: AT
Was Maddow's Criticism of Sharron Angle Also a Swipe at Olbermann?: NewsBusters

CNN Editor Mourns Loss of Hezbollah Spiritual Leader: WZ
Clearly these reporters don't understand ObamaCare: RWN
HuffPo's Creative Photo Crops Sprout Horns: Zombie


The Left-Fascist Axis. Again: AT
Iranian Children Appeal Mom's Death By Stoning Sentence: NiceDeb
Churches demand compensation from BP after loss of income: Telegraph

Berwick loves 'urine- and feces-soaked beds': WashExam
Our World: Standing down the hate-filled jury: JPost
Nigeria: No Charges After Muslim Senator Takes Child Bride: Maktoob

'America has elected a tyrant': NewEnglishReview
An Islamophobe in Sweden: GoV
India: Teacher's hand cut off for Prophet slight: Maktoob


Is Pornography Only Skin Deep?: Sophos
Apple Will Sell 12M iPhones To Verizon Subscribers For $7B -- Analyst: Insider
Ray Kurzweil Interview: iOTW


The Left's Haughty Intolerance – Skewering Norman Rockwell: iOTW
Welcome to Rome, Circa 450 AD: Hot Air
Florida’s Lt. Col. Allen West’s Independence Day Address: RWN

Image: Reuters.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Allen West for Congress

QOTD: "In Britain today, hating Israel has become a valid criminal defense. Last week five people charged with destroying property valued at some $225,000 at the EDO MBM arms factory in Brighton during a January 2009 break-in were found not guilty of all charges. They were found innocent although all five admitted to having committed the crime... As the Guardian reported, the defendants boasted in on-line forums at the time of the incident, their crime was premeditated. It took place during the IDF’s campaign against Hamas in Gaza. Their declared aim was to “smash up” the factory. And they achieved their goal.

The jury found the five innocent because it accepted as a valid defense their claim that they vandalized the plant because they wanted to prevent Israel from carrying out war crimes in Gaza. EDO MBM does business with the IDF, therefore, the defendants claimed and the jury agreed, it deserved to be attacked." -- Caroline Glick

1 comment:

Bones said...

The same result you expect from the German courts after "Crystal Night"